Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted!

A book born out of an authentic passion to ignite human potential in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Book Title: Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

Subtitle: Escape Conformity, Reinvent Your Thinking and Thrive in a Era of Emerging Technologies and Economic Anxiety. 


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In a world where everything is connected, where machines can talk, learn and mimic humans, a world with more graduates than jobs, a world where machines are employable, where performance is at its peak, innovation at its finest and job loss at its highest. There is only one spot left to transform and that is YOU. 

You cannot out-learn or out-efficient the machines but you can out-human them. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is creating a demand for new competencies and the need for upskilling, un-learning, re-learning and re-training has never been more severe than now. Those whose main skill set is to play corporate politics and appease their bosses are in for a rude awakening. What you were taught 10-20 years ago is fast becoming obsolete. We are in the new era where quintessential conglomerate continue slashing away layers of management structures, breaking themselves up into smaller units and automating processes. Those who don’t adapt become trapped in the downward spiral of recycling their problems.

There is no longer such thing as “job security.” Winning or losing is now happening faster than ever before. So, what is your strategy? How will you stand out and discover new opportunities in one of the most transformational times in human history? 

Recommended Reading: Nicky Verd’s Book Review by Dave Romero 

“Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted” provides answers that translate far-future thinking into insights and strategies to stay relevant and unlock opportunities in the 4th Industrial Revolution for you to create your own employment. It is an indispensable blueprint for future-proofing yourself. The book offers the most pragmatic view of what is taking place in the world of emerging technologies, and gives valuable insights that will allow you to take a glimpse into the future, and to successfully navigate the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


*The broad audience for this book is anyone longing to recreate themselves and thrive in an era of emerging disruptive technologies and economic anxiety. 

*It is for young people rising as risk takers, innovators, disruptors, entrepreneurs and pioneers of the future. 

*A book for dreamers and go-getters who want to create their own employment. 

*A book for employees who want to understand the impact of 4IR – Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on jobs as well as the threats and opportunities to ensure they are well-prepared for an automated future.  

Many people have no idea what 4IR is all about and many more have the wrong idea. Concepts like Artificial intelligence, robotics, IoT, 3D Printing, blockchain, big data and many other emerging technologies are still alien to a lot of people. But it’s becoming clear that to avoid obsolescence and remain relevant in the modern world, you will have to become conversant and comfortable with cutting-edge technologies. Properly understanding the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) will help put into perspective how some of the world’s most cutting edge technology will impact your own life. You cannot fight a battle you don’t understand or even know exist. 

“Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted” is divided into three parts:  

Part One: Takes a look at “how” and “why” cutting-edge technologies and self-service automated systems are reshaping the world of work, as well as the impact of these automated systems on employment. 

Part Two: Offers the blueprint for how you can shape your own future, discover your unique talents, take hold of opportunities and the mindset shift you need to thrive in a world that’s fast changing.

Part Three: Offers 21st-century business nuggets, business lessons and 25 innovation business ideas as more and more young people on the African continent and across the world are rising as thought leaders, entrepreneurs, risk-takers, innovators and pioneers of the future. 

Recommended Reading: Nicky’s Book Review By “Miller In The City”

As i mentioned in the book, “The most fundamental unit of disruption is you! Instead of waiting on the government or private sector to rescue you, ASK YOURSELF these questions: “What can I do to rescue myself?” Instead of being afraid of not getting a job or being afraid of losing your current job, kindly ASK YOURSELF: “Is what i’m currently doing the only contribution to society I have to offer?”

Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted, gives you the mindset shift needed to tackle and embrace exponential change as well as seize new opportunities in 4IR. Each chapter contains inspiring real-life stories to challenge you to take action in your own life. 

You cannot stop the Fourth Industrial Revolution but you can influence its impact in your life. 

A book can save you 10 years, if you READ it…and you definitely have to READ this one!

Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted! 

Personal development is the vehicle through which success and economic growth travel and you cannot fully develop yourself if you don’t understand the world around you! At the core of this book, are ready-to-implement blueprints for personal transformation along with innovative business ideas and nuggets for you to build your own economy. 

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According to Nicky, many people think of disruption only in terms of new business models but disruption also work at a personal level, where people who want to pivot change and move ahead in life can disrupt and reinvent themselves, Personal disruption at its core is the ability to adopt forward thinking, evolve and reinvent yourself supplemented by a cycle of learning, unlearning, relearning and repeat. Nicky Verd strongly believes that personal development is the vehicle through which success and economic growth travel and that you cannot fully develop yourself if you don’t understand the world around you.

Understanding what Industry 4.0 aka 4IR is all about will help put into perspective how some of the world’s most cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Blockchain, IoT, AR, 3D Printing and many others will impact your own life.

It goes without saying, “You cannot fight a battle you don’t even understand.”


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